Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Silent Majority Will Save the United States

By Mark J. Donovan

As I watch the United States rapidly march towards a third world socialistic society, I keep asking myself what happened to our great country and is there any way we can save our nation before it goes over the precipice. The optimist in me suggests the sensibility of the silent majority will eventually rule the day, however the pessimist in me sees an unbridled fervor on the left that has never been seen before, at least not in the United States history.

As I watch the democratic socialist party work to permanently enslave our children into debt and euthanize the elderly, I find myself repeatedly asking the simple question, why. And the single one word answer that is repeatedly whispered back to me from the depths of my own mind is the word, power. Yes, power is truly what this is all about. The leftist socialist government that is currently in control of the United States and its citizens is out to attempt its own version of a utopian fantasy. However their reach for power is not limited to the United States. It is much broader in scope. It is for global domination, a one new world global order. This may sound cliché and conspiratorial in thought, but history has shown repeated examples of similar attempts at global dominance. Fortunately, and what makes me optimistic, is that none has ever succeeded, at least for very long.

At some point innate human natural survival instincts click in and the silent majority stands up and roars. How soon the silent majority reacts to an overreach in power is a function of how fast and hard their way of life is threatened. Today’s democratic socialist party is smart and understands they have limited time to get the noose around our children and seniors necks. No better example of this is the current 1 Trillion dollar health care legislation bills that are being pushed through the house and senate on late Saturday evenings, when news outlets and citizens are paying little attention to their government. Like history’s other corrupt power grabbing politicians, they underestimate human nature. Even though the citizens maybe a little late recognizing what is going on, they eventually do. And when they do, like all corrupt leaders their time is up.

I am hopeful that before the democratic socialist party attempts to sell Alaska to China to pay down some of the United States debt, as well as to prevent Sarah Palin from running for higher office, that the citizens of this great country will see the democratic leadership for what it is. The 60’s generation extremists still looking for that one final trip, where they and everyone else in the world is singing Kum Bay Yah. Readmore »»

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Raking Leaves in New Hampshire

By Mark J. Donovan

I spent the better part of today raking leaves up at my home on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire. I had been told there were a lot of leaves in the yard, but I was still shocked at just how many were on the ground when I arrived upon the scene today. The entire lawn was completely covered in a dense layer of leaves.

As I raked the leaves today, I came to the conclusion that due to all of the rain we had had this past spring and early summer there must have been an increase in leaf production on the trees this year, if not in the quantity of leaves at least in the size of the leaves. For years I have piled raked leaves in the same location. This year the pile was 2x the normal size before I decided to stop piling the leaves in this spot.

I also broke one leaf rake in half, and heard the second one crack as I wrapped up the job. The leaves were dry, but just the sheer volume was too much for my rakes to take.

I also noticed that my gutters were completely stuffed with fallen leaves. Consequently, I found myself up on the ladder digging out leaves from the gutters as well. I then had to use a leaf blower to blow the leaves off of the deck and then finally clean them up with my rake.

Suffice it to say it was quite the project. But it is done and I actually enjoyed the fresh air and exercise. To boot, the yard looks great and the home is finally ready for the onslaught of another New Hampshire winter.

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ceramic Tile Shower Maintenance

A Properly Maintained Ceramic Tile Shower Can Keep Its Beauty Indefinitely

By Mark J. Donovan

Installing a new ceramic tile shower can really make a master bathroom suite shine. However, regular ceramic tile shower maintenance is crucial for maintaining its beauty. If not properly maintained, a ceramic tile shower can quickly become laced with mold and mildew, showing up particularly on grout lines.

Ceramic tile shower maintenance is fairly simple to do, although it does require some discipline. First and foremost, it is imperative to wipe down the ceramic tile shower walls and floor after each use. You can use a towel or a squeegee to do this, but whatever you decided upon as a tool, it is critical to use the tool after each shower.

The second major ceramic tile shower maintenance item you need to do is to seal the ceramic tile and grout periodically, typically once every year or so. Grout and certain types of ceramic tile are porous. Consequently they can absorb moisture. Moisture will undoubtedly lead to mold and mildew growth, thus the imperative to seal the grout and tile. There are many grout and tile sealers to choose from and they are easy to apply to a ceramic tile shower. Simply wipe on, wait a couple of minutes, and then wipe off any excess material.

So if you want to maintain the beauty of your new ceramic tile shower, make sure you become disciplined in proper ceramic tile shower maintenance. Readmore »»

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New Window Blinds Reduce Home Heating Bills

By Mark Donovan

There is a new window blind on the market today that could potentially lower your home heating bills by as much as 35%, according to the manufacturer SolarChoice Heat.

The window blind is a passive heating system that consists of a series of vertical vanes that are actually hollow. As the air is heated in the vanes, it rises out the top of them and draws cold air in from the bottom. In summary, these new window blinds take advantage of the sun’s energy by transferring the sun’s thermal energy to the home.

See "Green Window Treatments That Reduce Home Heating Bills" to get a full description and review of this innovative and green home technology product. Readmore »»

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Going Throttles Up on

Starting in November HomeAdditionPlus is Priority One

By Mark J. Donovan

Well after 5 years of running and on a part-time basis, I have decided to go full throttle. Starting this month I will be dedicating all of my working days to these two websites in order to bring site visitors more helpful DIY home improvement information.

I have been stunned by the rapid growth in site traffic to, particularly over the past couple of years. In addition I have been impressed with the amount and quality of questions coming in from site visitors. As a result, I have decided that for the benefit of my site visitors, and for the pure enjoyment I get from answering their questions, I want to dedicate myself full time to both and

I want to personally thank my site visitors for their continued support and interest in and, and I look forward to helping them and others in my future endeavors with these two sites.

Throttles UP!!!

Mark Readmore »»